for those who would make a difference

The How and Why of Leveraging Internal Social Networks

How do you feel about influence? Do you actively try to map it in your organization? Over the last few months, I’ve begun to hear this theme come up more and more in the workplace. To me, this is like the puzzle piece we’ve been missing. I became more personally interested in it when I met Josh Letourneau of Knight & Bishop earlier this year. Today I’m at the Conference Board’s Senior HR Executive Conference and it appears to be a theme they are picking up on as well.

Eric Mosley, Chief Executive Officer of Globoforce presented one of the finest sessions I’ve seen all year. I’d like to share some of the items he covered regarding the internal social networks in organizations and the impact of tracking the relationships.

Analysis by J. Letourneau of

The discussion began around how the word “social” means different things to different companies. It’s one of those words that is everywhere lately, much like innovation. So, the first step has to be defining what the word social means in your organizational culture. For purposes of his discussion, social did not just mean social network platforms. It mainly meant the internal network that we each have in our organization in order to share information. Link to full post on Trish McFarlane’s HR Ringleader blog


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